Item Name | ID Code |
Army Fatigues | 00023431 |
Baseball Uniform | 00144f03 |
Bos Officer Uniform | 00134294 |
Bos Uniform (orange) | 000dedeb |
Bos Uniform (gray) | 002223e3 |
Bottle And Cappy Shirt & Jeans | DLC Code + 029c0f |
Bottle Shirt & Jeans | DLC Code + 029c10 |
Cappy Shirt & Jeans | DLC Code + 029c12 |
Colorful Brown Undergarments | DLC Code + 04e283 |
Colorful Dark Blue Undergarments | DLC Code + 04e284 |
Colorful Dark Green Undergarments | DLC Code + 04e285 |
Colorful Green Undergarments | DLC Code + 04e282 |
Colorful Light Blue Undergarments | DLC Code + 04e281 |
Colorful Light Green Undergarments | DLC Code + 04e27f |
Colorful Pink Undergarments | DLC Code + 027422 |
Colorful Yellow Undergarments | DLC Code + 04e280 |
Corset | 001921d6 |
Dirty Army Fatigues | 0019cbb3 |
Fancy Plaid Suit & String Tie | DLC Code + 028745 |
Fancy Plaid Suit & Tie | DLC Code + 028747 |
Fancy Suit | DLC Code + 028746 |
Fancy Suit & Tie | DLC Code + 028744 |
Flannel Shirt And Jeans | 00117eb9 |
Furry Undergarments | DLC Code + 027423 |
Green Shirt And Combat Boots | 001942d6 |
Gunner Flannel Shirt And Jeans | 0000223c |
Gunner Harness | 00223cfb |
Gunner Leathers | 00223cfc |
Harness | 0008158d |
Legend Of Vault 88 | DLC Code + 001afd |
Long Johns | 00019568 |
Marine Wetsuit | DLC Code + 03a556 |
Military Fatigues | 0016892c |
Minuteman Outfit | 000e517b |
Nuka-world Geyser Shirt & Jeans | DLC Code + 044da3 |
Nuka-world Shirt & Jeans | DLC Code + 029c11 |
Patchwork Sweater & Furry Pants | DLC Code + 027425 |
Patchwork Sweater & Shorts | DLC Code + 027426 |
Raider Leathers | 0018e3f7 |
Ripped Shirt & Socks | DLC Code + 027424 |
Road Leathers | 000af0e2 |
Synth Uniform | 0012b91d |
Tattered Rags | 0011609b |
Torn Shirt & Jeans | DLC Code + 026ba9 |
Torn Shirt & Ragged Pants | DLC Code + 026ba7 |
Trapper Leathers | DLC Code + 00ea36 |
Undershirt & Jeans | 000ffc21 |
Vault 75 Jumpsuit | 00225f7e |
Vault 75 Jumpsuit - New | 0022da67 |
Vault 81 Jumpsuit | 001103a4 |
Vault 81 Jumpsuit - New | 0022da69 |
Vault 88 Jumpsuit | DLC Code + 0042ae |
Vault 95 Jumpsuit | 0022da73 |
Vault 95 Jumpsuit - New | 0022da66 |
Vault 101 Jumpsuit | 000976b3 |
Vault 101 Jumpsuit - New | 0022da6a |
Vault 111 Jumpsuit | 0001eed7 |
Vault 111 Jumpsuit - New | 000976b7 |
Vault 114 Jumpsuit | 000976b5 |
Vault 114 Jumpsuit - New | 0022da68 |
Vault 118 Jumpsuit | DLC Code + 043331 |
Wrap & Ragged Pants | DLC Code + 026baa |
Wrap & Ripped Jeans | DLC Code + 026ba8 |
Agatha's Dress | 000f15cf |
Athletic Outfit | 000af0e4 |
Atom Cats Jacket And Jeans | 0014bf53 |
Bathrobe | 0014a349 |
Beaded Blazer | 0004d6ae |
Black Fisherman's Overalls | DLC Code + 0570d3 |
Black Institute Lab Coat | 001b350d |
Black Vest And Slacks | 000fc100 |
Blue Institute Division Head Coat | 001b34fa |
Blue Institute Lab Coat | 001a5cfd |
Bomber Jacket | 000e1af6 |
Bottle And Cappy Orange Jacket & Jeans | DLC Code + 044da5 |
Bottle And Cappy Red Jacket & Jeans | DLC Code + 044da6 |
Brotherhood Fatigues (standard) | 00169523 |
Brotherhood Fatigues (officer) | 001f1a7f |
Brotherhood Fatigues (medic) | 001f1a7c |
Brown Fisherman's Overalls | DLC Code + 0570da |
Cabot's Lab Coat | 001e8cab |
Cage Armor | 000b2d8e |
Cappy Jacket & Jeans | DLC Code + 044da8 |
Casual Outfit (female) | 001410ec |
Casual Outfit (male) | 00174d2f |
Chase's Uniform | DLC Code + 048234 |
Checkered Shirt And Slacks | 0013d65e |
Child Of Atom Brown Rags | 0022c675 |
Child Of Atom Green Rags | 0022c678 |
Child Of Atom Long Brown Rags | 0022c674 |
Child Of Atom Long Green Rags | 0022c677 |
Child Of Atom Long Rags | 000e6f18 |
Child Of Atom Short Brown Rags | 0022c676 |
Child Of Atom Short Green Rags | 0022c679 |
Child Of Atom Short Rags | 0022c672 |
Child Of Atom Simple Rags | 0022c673 |
Clean Black Suit | 001bddf8 |
Clean Blue Suit | 001bddf9 |
Clean Grey Suit | 001bddfa |
Clean Striped Suit | 001bddfb |
Clean Tan Suit | 00151e34 |
Cleanroom Suit | 00115aec |
Coastal Armor | DLC Code + 04fa88 |
Colonial Duster | 0001f17b |
Courser Uniform | 0012a332 |
Covert Sweater Vest | 0009ac97 |
Cowhide Western Outfit | DLC Code + 029c0b |
Damaged Hazmat Suit | 0018b214 |
Db Tech Varsity Uniform | 001641f8 |
Dirty Black Institute Lab Coat | 001b350c |
Dirty Black Suit | 001bde04 |
Dirty Blue Institute Division Head Coat | 001b3502 |
Dirty Blue Institute Lab Coat | 001acd0c |
Dirty Blue Suit | 001bde05 |
Dirty Green Institute Division Head Coat | 001b3504 |
Dirty Green Institute Lab Coat | 001acd0a |
Dirty Grey Suit | 001bde06 |
Dirty Institute Division Head Coat | 001acd06 |
Dirty Institute Jumper | 001ab214 |
Dirty Institute Lab Coat | 001acd08 |
Dirty Orange Institute Division Head Coat | 001b3506 |
Dirty Postman Uniform | 00146177 |
Dirty Striped Suit | 001bde07 |
Dirty Tan Suit | 00151e30 |
Dirty Trench Coat | 001223cb |
Dirty Yellow Institute Division Head Coat | 001b3508 |
Dirty Yellow Institute Lab Coat | 001b350b |
Disciples Armored Skirt | DLC Code + 03b554 |
Drifter Outfit | 000b2d8d |
Engineer's Armor | 000dede7 |
Explorer Outfit | 000732ac |
Faded Trench Coat | 000e2e2c |
Farmhand Clothes | 000e5084 |
Father's Lab Coat | 0014fbd0 |
Fatigues | 001153d9 |
Feathered Dress | 001b5f1b |
Field Scribe's Armor | 000e370e |
Fisherman's Outfit | DLC Code + 00914e |
Fisherman's Overalls | DLC Code + 00914f |
Furry Pants & T-shirt | DLC Code + 0520cf |
Gage's Armor | DLC Code + 029c06 |
Geneva's Ensemble | 0023caa4 |
Greaser Jacket And Jeans | 0014bf50 |
Green Fisherman's Overalls | DLC Code + 0570d4 |
Green Institute Division Head Coat | 001b34fc |
Green Institute Lab Coat | 001a5cfb |
Grey Fisherman's Overalls | DLC Code + 0570d9 |
Grognak Costume | 001828cc |
Gunner Guard Outfit | 00223cfa |
Hazmat Suit | 000ceac4 |
Helmeted Cage Armor | 000b2d8f |
Helmeted Spike Armor | 000ddb81 |
High Confessor's Robes | DLC Code + 0391e6 |
Hooded Rags | 000b3f4e |
Hubologist Outfit | DLC Code + 029c0c |
Hunter's Long Coat | DLC Code + 046027 |
Hunter's Pelt Outfit | DLC Code + 04e698 |
Ingram's Underarmor | 00225a5e |
Institute Division Head Coat | 001236ad |
Institute Jumper | 0011e7b8 |
Institute Lab Coat | 0011e7b9 |
Kellogg's Outfit | 001153db |
Lab Coat | 00237677 |
Laundered Blue Dress | 0014d08f |
Laundered Cream Dress | 002075be |
Laundered Denim Dress | 002075c0 |
Laundered Green Dress | 000eecf5 |
Laundered Loungewear | 000e6288 |
Laundered Pink Dress | 002075bf |
Laundered Rose Dress | 002075c1 |
Leather Coat | 000732b5 |
Legend Of The Harbor | DLC Code + 04b9b1 |
Letterman's Jacket And Jeans | 001574c7 |
Longshoreman Outfit | 001536f4 |
Lorenzo's Suit | 00169bba |
Maccready's Duster | 000d415a |
Magician's Tuxedo | DLC Code + 03407c |
Mason's Outfit | DLC Code + 04a6a1 |
Maxson's Battlecoat | 001fe1a6 |
Mechanic Jumpsuit (olive) | 001c26b9 |
Mechanic Jumpsuit (red Rocket) | 0005e76c |
Mechanist's Armor | DLC Code + 008bc1 |
Minutemen General's Uniform | 001c2214 |
Nuka-girl Rocketsuit | DLC Code + 029c0d |
Nuka-world Geyser Jacket & Jeans | DLC Code + 044da4 |
Nuka-world Jacket & Jeans | DLC Code + 044da7 |
Nuka-world Jumpsuit | DLC Code + 03578e |
Operators Armored Dress | DLC Code + 039568 |
Operators Armored Skirt | DLC Code + 039562 |
Orange Institute Division Head Coat | 001b34fd |
Orange Shirt Western Outfit | DLC Code + 029c0a |
Padded Blue Jacket | 000a740b |
Pastor's Vestments | 001467a4 |
Patched Suit | 000a28d7 |
Patched Three-piece Suit | 000a36be |
Postman Uniform | 00146174 |
Quinlan's Armor | 00136335 |
Radstag Hide Outfit | 00034595 |
Railroad Armored Coat | 0013bcd1 |
Railroad Armored Coat Mk I | 001bbcb5 |
Railroad Armored Coat Mk Ii | 001bbcb6 |
Railroad Armored Coat Mk Iii | 001bbcb7 |
Railroad Armored Coat Mk Iv | 001bbcb8 |
Railroad Armored Coat Mk V | 001bbcb9 |
Ratty Skirt | 001b828c |
Red Dress | 000fd9a8 |
Red Frock Coat | 00116806 |
Red Leather Trench Coat | 0009f252 |
Reginald's Suit | 000f15d0 |
Rescue Diver Suit | DLC Code + 04885a |
Robes Of Atom's Devoted | DLC Code + 0247c8 |
Scavenger Outfit | 000732ae |
Science Scribe's Armor | 000e44ff |
Sequin Dress | 0011a27b |
Silver Shroud Costume (level 45) | 000ded29 |
Spacesuit Costume | DLC Code + 00d2ae |
Spike Armor | 000ddb80 |
Submariner Uniform | 00118864 |
Summer Shorts | 0014941a |
Surveyor Outfit | 000b3f4c |
Suspenders And Slacks | 000fc102 |
Sweater Vest And Slacks | 000dffc5 |
T-shirt And Slacks | 0014b019 |
Tattered Field Jacket | 000732b1 |
Teagan's Armor | 00136166 |
Traveling Leather Coat | 000732b9 |
Tuxedo | 000fc395 |
Utility Coveralls | 00039a66 00237686 |
Vault-tec Lab Coat | 00068cf3 |
Western Duster | DLC Code + 042325 |
Western Outfit | DLC Code + 029c08 |
Western Outfit & Chaps | DLC Code + 029c09 |
Wildman Rags | DLC Code + 0392ae |
Winter Jacket And Jeans | 00117eb7 |
Yellow Institute Division Head Coat | 001b34fe |
Yellow Institute Lab Coat | 001b350a |
Yellow Trench Coat | 00174428 |
Zeke's Jacket And Jeans | 0014a0dc |
Airship Captain's Hat | 0013aef5 |
Army Helmet | 00023432 |
Baseball Cap | 00144f04 |
Battered Fedora | 000e5086 |
Black Cowboy Hat | DLC Code + 042323 |
Blue Batting Helmet | 000f6d8c |
Bowler Hat | 000fc104 |
Captain Ironsides' Hat | 000f6d85 |
Chef Hat | 000f6d88 |
Coast Guard Hat | 000f6d87 |
Combat Armor Helmet | 0011e2c8 |
Cowboy Hat | DLC Code + 042322 |
Crumpled Fedora | 000a28d8 |
Dirty Army Helmet | 0019cbb1 |
Dirty Fedora | 001223cd |
Dirty Postman Hat | 001f9793 |
Faded Visor | 0012571c |
Field Scribe's Hat | 000e3710 |
Fisherman's Hat | DLC Code + 00914b |
Formal Hat | 000fc396 |
Grandpa Savoldi's Hat | 00122246 |
Gray Knit Cap | 000f6d84 |
Green Rag Hat | 000b3f4d |
Hard Hat | 000f6d86 |
High Confessor's Helm | DLC Code + 0391e8 |
Lieutenant's Hat | 001f599a |
Lorenzo's Crown | 001467f5 |
Maccready's Hat | 001e5f6c |
Mascot Head | 0011e46d |
Metal Helmet | 000787d3 |
Military Cap | 0016892e |
Militia Hat | 000e517d |
Mining Helmet | 001240f1 |
Minuteman Hat | 000316d4 |
Minutemen General's Hat | 001c2216 |
Newsboy Cap | 000a740e |
Oswald's Tophat | DLC Code + 050dd1 |
Pack Beanie | DLC Code + 02770d |
Pirate Hat | DLC Code + 04262b |
Pompadour Wig | 00165602 |
Postman Hat | 001f9790 |
Press Cap | 000a81af |
Prospector's Hat | DLC Code + 04231f |
Sea Captain's Hat | 000f6d89 |
Silver Shroud Hat | 0014e58e |
Submariner Hat | 00118865 |
The Captain's Hat | DLC Code + 04b9b3 |
The Dapper Gent | DLC Code + 05159b |
Tinker Headgear | 001832f5 |
Tricorn Hat | 00116808 |
Triggerman Bowler | 001ba8da |
Trilby Hat | 000a36c0 |
Ushanka Hat | 000f6d83 |
Welding Helmet | 000dede9 |
Wool Fisherman's Cap | DLC Code + 00914c |
Worn Fedora | 000e2e2e |
Wrapped Cap | 000787db |
Yellow Fedora | 000df457 |
Yellow Slicker Hat | 001fa250 |
Black-rim Glasses | 00125891 |
Cappy Glasses | DLC Code + 013a47 |
Eyeglasses | 001c4be8 |
Fashionable Glasses | 000fd9aa |
Gage's Eyepatch | DLC Code + 0340bb |
Liam's Glasses | 001b5b26 |
Medical Goggles | 000e4501 |
Operators Glasses | DLC Code + 02873e |
Operators Goggles | DLC Code + 02873d |
Patrolman Sunglasses | 001738aa |
Road Goggles | 000a81b0 |
Robotic Bits | 0022f0dd |
Sunglasses | 000e628a |
Welding Goggles | 000787d9 |
Wraparound Goggles | 000536c5 |
Blue Bandana | 0017e917 |
Gunner's Camo Bandana | 0017e922 |
Gunner's Green Bandana | 0017e923 |
Jangles Bandana | 0017e91c |
Leopard Print Bandana | 0017e91b |
Red Bandana | 0009c05b |
Skull Bandana | 0017e91d |
Stars And Stripes Bandana | 0017e925 |
Striped Bandana | 0017e924 |
Surgical Mask | 000787da |


Fallout 4 Outfit Mods
Item Name | ID Code |
Army Fatigues | 00023431 |
Baseball Uniform | 00144f03 |
Bos Officer Uniform | 00134294 |
Bos Uniform (orange) | 000dedeb |
Bos Uniform (gray) | 002223e3 |
Bottle And Cappy Shirt & Jeans | DLC Code + 029c0f |
Bottle Shirt & Jeans | DLC Code + 029c10 |
Cappy Shirt & Jeans | DLC Code + 029c12 |
Colorful Brown Undergarments | DLC Code + 04e283 |
Colorful Dark Blue Undergarments | DLC Code + 04e284 |
Colorful Dark Green Undergarments | DLC Code + 04e285 |
Colorful Green Undergarments | DLC Code + 04e282 |
Colorful Light Blue Undergarments | DLC Code + 04e281 |
Colorful Light Green Undergarments | DLC Code + 04e27f |
Colorful Pink Undergarments | DLC Code + 027422 |
Colorful Yellow Undergarments | DLC Code + 04e280 |
Corset | 001921d6 |
Dirty Army Fatigues | 0019cbb3 |
Fancy Plaid Suit & String Tie | DLC Code + 028745 |
Fancy Plaid Suit & Tie | DLC Code + 028747 |
Fancy Suit | DLC Code + 028746 |
Fancy Suit & Tie | DLC Code + 028744 |
Flannel Shirt And Jeans | 00117eb9 |
Furry Undergarments | DLC Code + 027423 |
Green Shirt And Combat Boots | 001942d6 |
Gunner Flannel Shirt And Jeans | 0000223c |
Gunner Harness | 00223cfb |
Gunner Leathers | 00223cfc |
Harness | 0008158d |
Legend Of Vault 88 | DLC Code + 001afd |
Long Johns | 00019568 |
Marine Wetsuit | DLC Code + 03a556 |
Military Fatigues | 0016892c |
Minuteman Outfit | 000e517b |
Nuka-world Geyser Shirt & Jeans | DLC Code + 044da3 |
Nuka-world Shirt & Jeans | DLC Code + 029c11 |
Patchwork Sweater & Furry Pants | DLC Code + 027425 |
Patchwork Sweater & Shorts | DLC Code + 027426 |
Raider Leathers | 0018e3f7 |
Ripped Shirt & Socks | DLC Code + 027424 |
Road Leathers | 000af0e2 |
Synth Uniform | 0012b91d |
Tattered Rags | 0011609b |
Torn Shirt & Jeans | DLC Code + 026ba9 |
Torn Shirt & Ragged Pants | DLC Code + 026ba7 |
Trapper Leathers | DLC Code + 00ea36 |
Undershirt & Jeans | 000ffc21 |
Vault 75 Jumpsuit | 00225f7e |
Vault 75 Jumpsuit - New | 0022da67 |
Vault 81 Jumpsuit | 001103a4 |
Vault 81 Jumpsuit - New | 0022da69 |
Vault 88 Jumpsuit | DLC Code + 0042ae |
Vault 95 Jumpsuit | 0022da73 |
Vault 95 Jumpsuit - New | 0022da66 |
Vault 101 Jumpsuit | 000976b3 |
Vault 101 Jumpsuit - New | 0022da6a |
Vault 111 Jumpsuit | 0001eed7 |
Vault 111 Jumpsuit - New | 000976b7 |
Vault 114 Jumpsuit | 000976b5 |
Vault 114 Jumpsuit - New | 0022da68 |
Vault 118 Jumpsuit | DLC Code + 043331 |
Wrap & Ragged Pants | DLC Code + 026baa |
Wrap & Ripped Jeans | DLC Code + 026ba8 |
Agatha's Dress | 000f15cf |
Athletic Outfit | 000af0e4 |
Atom Cats Jacket And Jeans | 0014bf53 |
Bathrobe | 0014a349 |
Beaded Blazer | 0004d6ae |
Black Fisherman's Overalls | DLC Code + 0570d3 |
Black Institute Lab Coat | 001b350d |
Black Vest And Slacks | 000fc100 |
Blue Institute Division Head Coat | 001b34fa |
Blue Institute Lab Coat | 001a5cfd |
Bomber Jacket | 000e1af6 |
Bottle And Cappy Orange Jacket & Jeans | DLC Code + 044da5 |
Bottle And Cappy Red Jacket & Jeans | DLC Code + 044da6 |
Brotherhood Fatigues (standard) | 00169523 |
Brotherhood Fatigues (officer) | 001f1a7f |
Brotherhood Fatigues (medic) | 001f1a7c |
Brown Fisherman's Overalls | DLC Code + 0570da |
Cabot's Lab Coat | 001e8cab |
Cage Armor | 000b2d8e |
Cappy Jacket & Jeans | DLC Code + 044da8 |
Casual Outfit (female) | 001410ec |
Casual Outfit (male) | 00174d2f |
Chase's Uniform | DLC Code + 048234 |
Checkered Shirt And Slacks | 0013d65e |
Child Of Atom Brown Rags | 0022c675 |
Child Of Atom Green Rags | 0022c678 |
Child Of Atom Long Brown Rags | 0022c674 |
Child Of Atom Long Green Rags | 0022c677 |
Child Of Atom Long Rags | 000e6f18 |
Child Of Atom Short Brown Rags | 0022c676 |
Child Of Atom Short Green Rags | 0022c679 |
Child Of Atom Short Rags | 0022c672 |
Child Of Atom Simple Rags | 0022c673 |
Clean Black Suit | 001bddf8 |
Clean Blue Suit | 001bddf9 |
Clean Grey Suit | 001bddfa |
Clean Striped Suit | 001bddfb |
Clean Tan Suit | 00151e34 |
Cleanroom Suit | 00115aec |
Coastal Armor | DLC Code + 04fa88 |
Colonial Duster | 0001f17b |
Courser Uniform | 0012a332 |
Covert Sweater Vest | 0009ac97 |
Cowhide Western Outfit | DLC Code + 029c0b |
Damaged Hazmat Suit | 0018b214 |
Db Tech Varsity Uniform | 001641f8 |
Dirty Black Institute Lab Coat | 001b350c |
Dirty Black Suit | 001bde04 |
Dirty Blue Institute Division Head Coat | 001b3502 |
Dirty Blue Institute Lab Coat | 001acd0c |
Dirty Blue Suit | 001bde05 |
Dirty Green Institute Division Head Coat | 001b3504 |
Dirty Green Institute Lab Coat | 001acd0a |
Dirty Grey Suit | 001bde06 |
Dirty Institute Division Head Coat | 001acd06 |
Dirty Institute Jumper | 001ab214 |
Dirty Institute Lab Coat | 001acd08 |
Dirty Orange Institute Division Head Coat | 001b3506 |
Dirty Postman Uniform | 00146177 |
Dirty Striped Suit | 001bde07 |
Dirty Tan Suit | 00151e30 |
Dirty Trench Coat | 001223cb |
Dirty Yellow Institute Division Head Coat | 001b3508 |
Dirty Yellow Institute Lab Coat | 001b350b |
Disciples Armored Skirt | DLC Code + 03b554 |
Drifter Outfit | 000b2d8d |
Engineer's Armor | 000dede7 |
Explorer Outfit | 000732ac |
Faded Trench Coat | 000e2e2c |
Farmhand Clothes | 000e5084 |
Father's Lab Coat | 0014fbd0 |
Fatigues | 001153d9 |
Feathered Dress | 001b5f1b |
Field Scribe's Armor | 000e370e |
Fisherman's Outfit | DLC Code + 00914e |
Fisherman's Overalls | DLC Code + 00914f |
Furry Pants & T-shirt | DLC Code + 0520cf |
Gage's Armor | DLC Code + 029c06 |
Geneva's Ensemble | 0023caa4 |
Greaser Jacket And Jeans | 0014bf50 |
Green Fisherman's Overalls | DLC Code + 0570d4 |
Green Institute Division Head Coat | 001b34fc |
Green Institute Lab Coat | 001a5cfb |
Grey Fisherman's Overalls | DLC Code + 0570d9 |
Grognak Costume | 001828cc |
Gunner Guard Outfit | 00223cfa |
Hazmat Suit | 000ceac4 |
Helmeted Cage Armor | 000b2d8f |
Helmeted Spike Armor | 000ddb81 |
High Confessor's Robes | DLC Code + 0391e6 |
Hooded Rags | 000b3f4e |
Hubologist Outfit | DLC Code + 029c0c |
Hunter's Long Coat | DLC Code + 046027 |
Hunter's Pelt Outfit | DLC Code + 04e698 |
Ingram's Underarmor | 00225a5e |
Institute Division Head Coat | 001236ad |
Institute Jumper | 0011e7b8 |
Institute Lab Coat | 0011e7b9 |
Kellogg's Outfit | 001153db |
Lab Coat | 00237677 |
Laundered Blue Dress | 0014d08f |
Laundered Cream Dress | 002075be |
Laundered Denim Dress | 002075c0 |
Laundered Green Dress | 000eecf5 |
Laundered Loungewear | 000e6288 |
Laundered Pink Dress | 002075bf |
Laundered Rose Dress | 002075c1 |
Leather Coat | 000732b5 |
Legend Of The Harbor | DLC Code + 04b9b1 |
Letterman's Jacket And Jeans | 001574c7 |
Longshoreman Outfit | 001536f4 |
Lorenzo's Suit | 00169bba |
Maccready's Duster | 000d415a |
Magician's Tuxedo | DLC Code + 03407c |
Mason's Outfit | DLC Code + 04a6a1 |
Maxson's Battlecoat | 001fe1a6 |
Mechanic Jumpsuit (olive) | 001c26b9 |
Mechanic Jumpsuit (red Rocket) | 0005e76c |
Mechanist's Armor | DLC Code + 008bc1 |
Minutemen General's Uniform | 001c2214 |
Nuka-girl Rocketsuit | DLC Code + 029c0d |
Nuka-world Geyser Jacket & Jeans | DLC Code + 044da4 |
Nuka-world Jacket & Jeans | DLC Code + 044da7 |
Nuka-world Jumpsuit | DLC Code + 03578e |
Operators Armored Dress | DLC Code + 039568 |
Operators Armored Skirt | DLC Code + 039562 |
Orange Institute Division Head Coat | 001b34fd |
Orange Shirt Western Outfit | DLC Code + 029c0a |
Padded Blue Jacket | 000a740b |
Pastor's Vestments | 001467a4 |
Patched Suit | 000a28d7 |
Patched Three-piece Suit | 000a36be |
Postman Uniform | 00146174 |
Quinlan's Armor | 00136335 |
Radstag Hide Outfit | 00034595 |
Railroad Armored Coat | 0013bcd1 |
Railroad Armored Coat Mk I | 001bbcb5 |
Railroad Armored Coat Mk Ii | 001bbcb6 |
Railroad Armored Coat Mk Iii | 001bbcb7 |
Railroad Armored Coat Mk Iv | 001bbcb8 |
Railroad Armored Coat Mk V | 001bbcb9 |
Ratty Skirt | 001b828c |
Red Dress | 000fd9a8 |
Red Frock Coat | 00116806 |
Red Leather Trench Coat | 0009f252 |
Reginald's Suit | 000f15d0 |
Rescue Diver Suit | DLC Code + 04885a |
Robes Of Atom's Devoted | DLC Code + 0247c8 |
Scavenger Outfit | 000732ae |
Science Scribe's Armor | 000e44ff |
Sequin Dress | 0011a27b |
Silver Shroud Costume (level 45) | 000ded29 |
Spacesuit Costume | DLC Code + 00d2ae |
Spike Armor | 000ddb80 |
Submariner Uniform | 00118864 |
Summer Shorts | 0014941a |
Surveyor Outfit | 000b3f4c |
Suspenders And Slacks | 000fc102 |
Sweater Vest And Slacks | 000dffc5 |
T-shirt And Slacks | 0014b019 |
Tattered Field Jacket | 000732b1 |
Teagan's Armor | 00136166 |
Traveling Leather Coat | 000732b9 |
Tuxedo | 000fc395 |
Utility Coveralls | 00039a66 00237686 |
Vault-tec Lab Coat | 00068cf3 |
Western Duster | DLC Code + 042325 |
Western Outfit | DLC Code + 029c08 |
Western Outfit & Chaps | DLC Code + 029c09 |
Wildman Rags | DLC Code + 0392ae |
Winter Jacket And Jeans | 00117eb7 |
Yellow Institute Division Head Coat | 001b34fe |
Yellow Institute Lab Coat | 001b350a |
Yellow Trench Coat | 00174428 |
Zeke's Jacket And Jeans | 0014a0dc |
Airship Captain's Hat | 0013aef5 |
Army Helmet | 00023432 |
Baseball Cap | 00144f04 |
Battered Fedora | 000e5086 |
Black Cowboy Hat | DLC Code + 042323 |
Blue Batting Helmet | 000f6d8c |
Bowler Hat | 000fc104 |
Captain Ironsides' Hat | 000f6d85 |
Chef Hat | 000f6d88 |
Coast Guard Hat | 000f6d87 |
Combat Armor Helmet | 0011e2c8 |
Cowboy Hat | DLC Code + 042322 |
Crumpled Fedora | 000a28d8 |
Dirty Army Helmet | 0019cbb1 |
Dirty Fedora | 001223cd |
Dirty Postman Hat | 001f9793 |
Faded Visor | 0012571c |
Field Scribe's Hat | 000e3710 |
Fisherman's Hat | DLC Code + 00914b |
Formal Hat | 000fc396 |
Grandpa Savoldi's Hat | 00122246 |
Gray Knit Cap | 000f6d84 |
Green Rag Hat | 000b3f4d |
Hard Hat | 000f6d86 |
High Confessor's Helm | DLC Code + 0391e8 |
Lieutenant's Hat | 001f599a |
Lorenzo's Crown | 001467f5 |
Maccready's Hat | 001e5f6c |
Mascot Head | 0011e46d |
Metal Helmet | 000787d3 |
Military Cap | 0016892e |
Militia Hat | 000e517d |
Mining Helmet | 001240f1 |
Minuteman Hat | 000316d4 |
Minutemen General's Hat | 001c2216 |
Newsboy Cap | 000a740e |
Oswald's Tophat | DLC Code + 050dd1 |
Pack Beanie | DLC Code + 02770d |
Pirate Hat | DLC Code + 04262b |
Pompadour Wig | 00165602 |
Postman Hat | 001f9790 |
Press Cap | 000a81af |
Prospector's Hat | DLC Code + 04231f |
Sea Captain's Hat | 000f6d89 |
Silver Shroud Hat | 0014e58e |
Submariner Hat | 00118865 |
The Captain's Hat | DLC Code + 04b9b3 |
The Dapper Gent | DLC Code + 05159b |
Tinker Headgear | 001832f5 |
Tricorn Hat | 00116808 |
Triggerman Bowler | 001ba8da |
Trilby Hat | 000a36c0 |
Ushanka Hat | 000f6d83 |
Welding Helmet | 000dede9 |
Wool Fisherman's Cap | DLC Code + 00914c |
Worn Fedora | 000e2e2e |
Wrapped Cap | 000787db |
Yellow Fedora | 000df457 |
Yellow Slicker Hat | 001fa250 |
Black-rim Glasses | 00125891 |
Cappy Glasses | DLC Code + 013a47 |
Eyeglasses | 001c4be8 |
Fashionable Glasses | 000fd9aa |
Gage's Eyepatch | DLC Code + 0340bb |
Liam's Glasses | 001b5b26 |
Medical Goggles | 000e4501 |
Operators Glasses | DLC Code + 02873e |
Operators Goggles | DLC Code + 02873d |
Patrolman Sunglasses | 001738aa |
Road Goggles | 000a81b0 |
Robotic Bits | 0022f0dd |
Sunglasses | 000e628a |
Welding Goggles | 000787d9 |
Wraparound Goggles | 000536c5 |
Blue Bandana | 0017e917 |
Gunner's Camo Bandana | 0017e922 |
Gunner's Green Bandana | 0017e923 |
Jangles Bandana | 0017e91c |
Leopard Print Bandana | 0017e91b |
Red Bandana | 0009c05b |
Skull Bandana | 0017e91d |
Stars And Stripes Bandana | 0017e925 |
Striped Bandana | 0017e924 |
Surgical Mask | 000787da |
The Captain's Hat
Jul 13, 2017 - What is up guys Killerkev here and today I am going to be Show casing The Next Generation Minutemen General Uniform mod in Fallout 4. Any questions leave the. Introduction Hello! You might know me as TheKite on Hentai-Foundry, or Tumblr! You might also know me as the co-creator and designer of the original TheKite's armor series (Vault-Tec Slave Suit, DC Scoopdigger, the Combat Zone Stripper Outfit, The Militiawoman outfit, the Healthcare Division outfit, the Handmaiden's outfit, the Charred Vault Suit, etc) and the Archimedes-II solar cannon, etc. A mod on nexus called Crime and Punishment by Flashy (same author as CSA) also has it, voiced, good interaction with a built in Karma system. This mod is a must have. Lastly, Begger-Whore by Tentacus (also on this site) has the best immersion and configuration for prostitution.